Release Notes for Mamba ${version}

Those are the release notes for Mamba ${version} released on ${release_date}.


  • Added Created (201 HTTP) Response to predefined responses

  • Added Unknown (209 HTTP) Response to predefined responses (209 is unassigned)

  • Added Unauthorized (401 HTTP) Response to predefined responses

  • Added MovedPermanently (301 HTTP) Response to predefined responses

  • Added SeeOther (303 HTTP) Response to predefined responses

  • Added Forbidden (403 HTTP) Response to predefined responses

  • Added decimal size and precission using size property for MySQL decimal fields definitions:

    some_field = Decimal(size=(10, 2))  # using a tuple
    some_field = Decimal(size=[10, 2])  # using a list
    some_field = Decimal(size=10.2)     # using a float
    some_field = Decimal(size='10,2')   # using a string
    some_field = Decimal(size=10)       # using an int (precission is set to 2)
  • If user define development as true in the application.json config file, the twistd server will be started in no daemon mode, logging will be printed to standard output and no log file should be produced at all. If the user press Ctrl+C the mamba application will terminate immediately, this mode is quite useful to development stages

  • We redirect all the regular twistd process logging messages to syslog if we don’t define development mode as true in the application.json config file

  • Added package subcommand to mamba-admin command line tool that allow us to pack, install and uninstall mamba based applications in order to reuse them (that doesn’t replace setuptools and is not the way meant to package a full mamba application in order to distribute it, this is only meant to reuse code already present in other projects)

  • Added shared controllers, models and views for mamba installed packages. We can now add a configuration file installed_packages.json with the following syntax so mamba can install and reuse scrips (JavaScript, CSS) controllers, models and views in automatic way (nota that views search paths are always added to Jinja2 templating search path even if autoimport is false):

        "packages": {
            "package_name": {
                "autoimport": true,
                "use_scripts": true
  • Added restart command to mamba-admin command line tool

  • Added checkers package to mamba.utils for common checks on forms and applications

  • Added auto LESS resources compiling for mambaerized styleseets

  • Added find method that can be used with or without a class instance:

    customer = yield Customer.find(name=u’John’) customer = yield Customer().find(name=u’John’) customer = yield Customer.find( == u’john’)

  • Added all method that can be used with or without a class instance and return all the rows from a given model:

    customers = yield Customer.all() customers = yield Customer().all()

  • Added async magic named boolean argument to so we can now run a @transact decorated method synchronous just as:

    customer = Customer.find(name=u’Pam’, async=False) customer = Customer().read(1, async=False)

  • Added global class __mamba_async__ property to mamba.application.model so we can just make all the methods from a given class synchronous by default

  • Added auto_commit msgic boolean argument to so we can now run a @transact decorated method that is not commit in automatic way by the transact mechanism (autocommit is True by default).

  • Added several unit tests

  • Added support for FOREIGN KEYS in SQLite version >= 3.6.19

  • Added UNIQUE and INDEX for single and compound SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL fields

  • Added support to don’t add some tables to the generated schema using __mamba_schema__ = False option

  • Added --noschema option in mamba-admin sql command line options

  • Added shell to mamba-admin sql command line tool

  • Now controllers can be attached to other controllers controllers to form a path route tree

  • Added TestableDatabase and prepare_model_for_test function to make easier the task of test mamba applications models

  • Added fixtures class (extends Storm’s Schema)

  • Added modules and controllers sub pacages automatic pre-load (for ex: application/model/sub_package/

  • Added dict, json and pickle method to serialize Models

Bug Fixes

  • We were not using properly ZStorm/transaction and Twisted Transactor integration in Storm, now is fixed and a new copy helper method has been added to mamba.application.model.Model class to allow simple object copy on user code because we can’t use a store that has been created in a thread into the twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool using the @transact decorator. If you need to pass initialized Storm objects directly to a view for whatever reasson you shouldn’t use the @transact decorator at all (so you shouldn’t use asynchronous call to the database for that).
  • Now unhandled errors in Deferreds on routing module are displayed nicely in the logs file
  • Model read method now returns a copy of the Storm object that can be used in other threads if the optional parameter copy is True (it’s False by default)
  • Fixed a bug in create SQL mamba-admin command when used with live (-l) option
  • Fixed a bug related with PyPy and it’s lack of set_debug method in gc object
  • Now mamba-admin start and stop subcommands can be used inside valid mamba application directories only
  • Adding dependency to fabric package as docs will not build without it
  • Added mandatory option parameter development to the application.json template.
  • Fixed memory leak in the routing system cache
  • Fixed bug that hides log_file being null in options
  • Fixed bug in package pack when using alternative names
  • Fixed bug in package pack when version string has more than two levels
  • Fixed bug related with routed methods that does not return anything
  • Now mamba does not print a bogus and unrelated error message when there is some problem with the JSON config files
  • Fixes paths in scrips and stylesheets that were preventing those ones to be added into the HTML generated by the templating engine
  • Converter wasn’t serializing properties that were other objects properly, now is fixed
  • decimal.Decimal values are now corretly serialized on Converter
  • Fixed some model tests that weren’t working
  • When mamba-admin sql configure ran in a validmamba app directory that does not contains a config directory, it crashed, fixed
  • Fixed bug in PostgreSQL schema generation for FOREIGN KEYS
  • Fixed wrong response being displayed when installing mamba reusabiility package from file
  • Fixed bug where updates made to an installed mamba package was not updated.
  • Fixed bug where mamba packages in egg format were not being installed. Added two extra unit tests in for installing from egg and tar.
  • Fixed exception being raised when POST, PUT and PATCH requests were send with no body


  • Now we can add a custom Jinja2 templates loader to our controller templates in two different ways:

    • Method One: Just pass the named param loader=<your customer loader class> to the Template.render call and it will overwrite any previous loader configuration

    • Method Two: When you first instanciate your template object (commonly with self.template = templating.Template()) add just your custom loader class as a property of the new template instance:

      self.template.loader = CustomLoader

    Note that is a class and not an instance what you have to use in both methods. The class must expect a list of strings (paths) as first and unique argument.

  • The mamba-admin application subcommand generates now a logs directory and logs files are created inside it

  • The mamba-admin application subcommand generates now a lib directory into the application directory in oreder to place code that doesn’t fit the MVC pattern and 3rd party libraries

  • The @route decorator now accepts lists and tuples defining more than one HTTP method where to register the given action

  • The NativeEnum type has been reimplemented as a set. Implementation provided by Patrick O’Loughlin @paddyoloughlin on GitHub

  • Added new find method to model object to find ojects into the database

  • Storm.locals imports moved to mamba.entreprise package

  • Now is possible to create subpakages for modules and controllers using ‘subpackage.module_name’ as the name of the controller or model, for ex: mamba-admin controller community.users

  • If we return a Model object from a controller method, the routing system try to convert it into JSON instead of silently fail


  • Added contributors documentation
  • Added developers documentation




  • Removed unused cleanups in controller tests

Uncompatible Changes



If you need a more detailed description of the changes made in this release you can use git itself using:

git log ${current_version}..${version}